Whether you have a child or know a child who attends a school in the Los Angeles Unified School District, you are affected by what happens in the largest school district in the state. Hundreds of thousands of children attend school in LAUSD. Too many are trapped in a school that is simply not doing enough to provide them with the education they need – and deserve.
LAUSD has been one of the most troubled school districts in the nation. But there is hope. LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy just marked his two year anniversary with the district. He is committed to education reform and to transforming our schools so that every student can graduate from college or be prepared for a career in the workforce.
John Deasy has – in the face of severe budget cuts – increased graduation rates, decreased dropout rates and increased the number of students who are proficient at reading and math. He has brought leadership, energy and a focused purpose that LAUSD so desperately needs.
But the political arm of the union is actively trying to oust Superintendent Deasy. They believe he has been too aggressive in trying to improve the level of instruction and in trying to rid the district of teachers who are not up to the job. In truth, John Deasy is putting kids ove the anti-reform agenda of the union bosses.
I hope you’ll join me in showing your support for John Deasy’s courageous leadership by signing a petition thanking him for his service.http://supportoursuperintendent.com/ The petition is sent to the Mayor and to both of the mayoral candidates. The two mayoral candidates have already signed it but need to know that their position is backed by the community at large.
We need to take a stand for our children. Our education system must be improved. The quality of life for America’s children, and the future economic well-being of our nation, is at stake. Please show your support for Superintendent Deasy today.