Take a quick view of the enclosed video – but warning:  it’s not politics as usual!  It’s a bit fresh, certainly entertaining, and even better…it gets the point across on an extremely important subject.

Marshall Tuck Ad

(click the video player to view or click here)

The choice for California’s Superintendent of Public Schools is a crucial one.  It’s shameful that our great state ranks 45th in the nation.  Our schools badly need change, and our children deserve so much better.

That’s why we need proven and effective education leader Marshall Tuck as our next Superintendent of Public Schools, an office which holds tremendous power over the performance of our education system.

Please forward this video to your friends and share it on every social media account you have! We need to get the word out that there is hope to turn around California’s schools, and Marshall Tuck is the candidate who can do it.  I hope you agree.

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